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Contact me about World War 2

There is so much to know about WW2

Contact me for more information

Or simply add you story or ask a question

Help me to expand this project

Get in touch with me

Due to different updates the contact form has temporarily been turned off. Please contact me via:

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The data you provide will be treated with the most possible care in accordance with our privacy statement.

What is your email about?

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If you want to add a picture or document to your email, you can using the button below. Please keep the maximum size to less than 10MB. You can upload more than one file or picture at once, by selecting multiple documents.

Prefer writing a letter? No problem please find my address here below.

D-Day, Normandy and Beyond

Wethouder A.G. Dekkerlaan 23
8121 GB  Olst
The Netherlands

I can't do it without your help!

The D-Day, Normandy and Beyond website is my one man project. A project that will never end and always keep on evolving and growing. When I started this website in 2000, I didn't really know what I was getting into. Now I know a little bit better. In 2019 during the corona lockdown I decided to completely renew my entire website.


A lot of research goes into every story. I try to collect genuine WW2 patches and badges for every story on my website to go with the stories in order to show the right respect to whom ever the story is about.

You can help!

If you want to help my project by donating small documents or items (such as patches, insignias or badges), then please contact me by filling in the contact form here below and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Everything you donate will always remain in my possesion and will never be sold. Thank you.