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Remember the victims
Holocaust through the eyes of the people

Remember the victims of the Holocaust
Remembering the victims of the Holocaust
The Holocaust was a horrific event in WW2 orchestrated by the Nazi government of Germany, with chosen victims based on their ethnicity, religion, political beliefs, and sexual orientation. The Nazis implemented discriminatory laws and policies against specific groups, leading to the systematic persecution and eventual genocide known as the Holocaust. This persecution included legalized segregation, involuntary institutionalization, euthanasia, and forced sterilization of those deemed unfit by Nazi standards. While the majority of victims were Jews, Sinti-Roma people and Slavs, other victims included individuals who were considered social outcasts or political enemies according to Nazi ideology, such as homosexuals. As WW2 progressed, Nazi persecution intensified, resulting in non-judicial imprisonment, confiscation of property, forced labor, sexual slavery, death from extreme work conditions, human experimentation, malnourishment, and execution using various methods. The goal for specific groups like the Jews was complete genocide. It is estimated that approximately six million Jewish men, women, and children were systematically persecuted and murdered by the Nazi regime and its collaborators. Moreover, the Holocaust era claimed the lives of an additional 11 million individuals from different targeted groups.
Jewish Victims
The Holocaust specifically targeted Jews, aiming to eradicate their presence from Europe. The millions who perished were mothers, fathers, children, grandparents, and siblings. Their stories of suffering and resilience form an indelible mark on humanity's conscience, reminding us of the unfathomable depths of cruelty and prejudice.
Roma and Sinti victims
Often forgotten, the Roma and Sinti people also suffered immense persecution during the Holocaust. They were subjected to discrimination, deportation, and systematic extermination. Remembering their suffering sheds light on the importance of tackling racial prejudice and promoting inclusivity.
Mentally and physically disabled victims
The Nazis sought to eliminate those they deemed "unfit" or "inferior," including the mentally and physically disabled. Forced sterilization and mass murder were their cruel strategies. Honoring their memory urges us to safeguard the rights and dignity of all individuals, irrespective of their mental or physical abilities.
Homosexuals and political dissidents
Homosexual individuals and political dissidents were hunted down as well, enduring persecution, imprisonment, and death. Their sacrifice reminds us that the preservation of democracy and human rights is essential in preventing the recurrence of such heinous acts.
And all the other people that fell victim to the Holocaust
The Holocaust specifically targeted Jews, aiming to eradicate their presence from Europe. The millions who perished were mothers, fathers, children, grandparents, and siblings. Their stories of suffering and resilience form an indelible mark on humanity's conscience, reminding us of the unfathomable depths of cruelty and prejudice.
Roma and Sinti victims
Often forgotten, the Roma and Sinti people also suffered immense persecution during the Holocaust. They were subjected to discrimination, deportation, and systematic extermination. Remembering their suffering sheds light on the importance of tackling racial prejudice and promoting inclusivity.
Mentally and physically disabled victims
The Nazis sought to eliminate those they deemed "unfit" or "inferior," including the mentally and physically disabled. Forced sterilization and mass murder were their cruel strategies. Honoring their memory urges us to safeguard the rights and dignity of all individuals, irrespective of their mental or physical abilities.
Homosexuals and political dissidents
Homosexual individuals and political dissidents were hunted down as well, enduring persecution, imprisonment, and death. Their sacrifice reminds us that the preservation of democracy and human rights is essential in preventing the recurrence of such heinous acts.
And all the other people that fell victim to the Holocaust

Concentration camp clothes were designed to dehumanize the inmates and strip them of their individuality. Typically made of coarse, striped fabric, the suits were ill-fitting and provided minimal protection from the harsh conditions of the camps. Each suit had a distinctive prisoner number sewn onto it, further degrading the individual and reducing them to a mere statistic.
Stories of the Holocaust
Discover the concentration camps
Discover the Aktion T4 locations
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