Staying alive through the course of the war
Civilians during WW2
Stories about the human side of war
WW2 through the eyes of the general public
What was WW2 like for civilians? What did such a conflict do to people living in the occupied countries? What did they went trough? What was it like for them? On this page you will find a growing list of stories and memories of regular people living through WW2 who will give you the answer. I hope this page will become a valuable educational collection of stories about what kind of effect ww2 had on the men, women and children living through it. The stories are unedited and it is in the words of the men and women who have contributed to my project.
We are now at 3 stories. Many more to come.
The list is layed out up in such a way that the stories that are on top are the new or updated stories.
Add your story too
If you have a story about WW2 experiences to share, please contact me. Any story about WW2 is welcome. Not just the military personnel but also the civilian stories must be remembered.