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Hannah Pick-Goslar dies 93

Hannah Pick-Goslar passed away on October 28 at age 93. Hannah, or Hanneli as Anne called her in her diary, was one of Anne Frank's best friends, they had known each other since kindergarten. On June 14, 1942, Anne writes in her diary: "Hanneli and Sanne used to be my two best friends, and whoever saw us together always said Anne, Hanne and Sanne are walking there." the holocaust. She felt that everyone should know what happened to her and her friend Anne from the moment the diary ends. As horrible as that story is.

Hannah Goslar was born on November 12, 1928 in Berlin Tiergarten. When the Nazis came to power in 1933, the family moved to London and then to Amsterdam. There they came to live next to the Frank family on Merwedeplein. Hannah and Anne attended kindergarten together and went to the 6th Montessori School and later the Jewish Lyceum together. They became close friends and often visited each other. Hannah said: 'My mother described Anne Frank well. She said, "God knows everything, but Anne knows better."

Anne Frank and her family went into hiding in 1942 in the Secret Annex on the Prinsengracht. In 1937 Hannah moved to the Zuider Amstellaan where she lived until June 1943. Then she and her father - her mother had died in childbirth - her grandparents and her younger sister Gabi were deported to Westerbork and from there in February 1944 to Bergen-Belsen. There she met Anne Frank in February 1945, shortly before Anne died. Hannah and her sister Gabi were the only ones in their family to survive the horrors of the concentration camps.

Hannah emigrated to what was then Palestine (now Israel) in 1947 where she became a nurse. There she married Walter Pick with whom she had three children, 11 grandchildren and 31 great-grandchildren. She says about this: 'This is my answer to Hitler'.

One and a half million children, like Anne and Margot Frank, were murdered just because they were Jewish. She felt obliged to tell about Anne and the Holocaust 'because I survived and Anne didn't'.

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Hannah Pick-Goslar
Hannah Pick-Goslar

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May she rest in peace