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Albert Edward Frampton
Rank: Lance Corporal

Albert Edward Frampton



1st Battalion


June, 1944

Survived the war?
Worcestershire Regiment

Worcestershire Regiment

When a true gentleman dies

Over the last few years I've been peicing together the movements of my Great Uncle from where he boarded the SS Canterbury with his Battalion bound for Normandy during WW2. Through extensive searching on the Worcestershire Regiment website I have the following information. During my visit to Normandy this year to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day I went to Gold Beach (King Sector) where he landed and laid a wreath, then to Cheux where he was killed and finally to Brouay CWGC where he his buried alongside two other members of his Battalion who were also killed on the 27th of June 1944.

My great uncle

My Great Uncle Albert Frampton was my father's, mother's brother. He was born and bred in St Andrews Road, Small Heath, Birmingham. On the onset to war he was a labourer for a building company. I am not sure when he joined the Army but he served with the 1st Battalion, Worcestershire Regiment.

He married Lorna Beatrice May in 1943, aged 27. She was a London Clippy and I can only presume he met her when the regiment moved down to Kent. He was aged 30 on his wedding day, but a year later, aged 31, he was killed.

Active duty

On 16th June, 1944 his battalion boarded the SS Canterbury at Newhaven but the ship did not leave its anchorage until the 19th June when it proceeded to the Solent, and joined other vessels in preparation for crossing the channel. But it became clear that the channel crossing would not take place that evening due to the severe storm of 19 - 20 June 1944.

They finally set sail at midday on the 22nd of June, one of the first convoys to leave after the storm. Once they had crossed the Channel the SS Canterbury was ordered to stand-off and wait for orders to disembark. Eventually the battalion was given the go ahead to board four Assault Landing Craft and head for the beach.

Landing in Normandy

The designated landing area was some 3 mile east of Arromanches near the small village of Mont Fleury, and at 17.15 hours the first L.C.A., with the Commanding Officer (Lieut.-Col. Roy Harrison), came ashore. As one of the other L.C.A.’s beached a naval rating lowered the bow ramp and signalled for the first carrier to drive off, but the commander of the craft asked for the sea depth to be checked. This was very fortunate since the measure failed to touch the sea bottom, and so the landing was temporarily halted. Before a second attempt was made to try to get closer to the beach, orders where received stating that no more landing should be made that evening.

Resistance and fotifications

When Albert finally landed in Normandy at Gold Beach (King Sector) their objective was to take Caen. The surrounding areas around Cheux enroute to Caen were heavily fortified with the SS Division Hitlerjugend 12th Panzer Division, and the 2nd Panzer Division Das Reich which were German armoured units of the Waffen SS.

Fatally wounded

On the 27th of June 1944 Albert was fatally wounded at Cheux. I have a copy of a handwritten letter to his wife from his Officer Commanding, Captain Noel Watkins, dated 16th July 44, telling her about the incident in which he was killed.

Dear Mrs Frampton,
It is with deep regret that I write about your husband's death in action. I'm sure you will have heard officially by now. He was a first-class Corporal and a fine fellow besides. His comrades join with me in offering you our deepest sympathies. He was killed by a shell at CHEUX on the 27 June. I ran to his trench immediately the shells had fallen and I think he must have been sleeping in the trench. He must have been killed instantly and he had the appearance of being at rest. Your husband is one of the many brave men of this regiment who have made the supreme sacrifice for their homes and country.

Yours Sincerely
Noel Watkins

Lorna kept in touch with Albert's mother for some years and then remarried.

I was hoping that the Capt Noel Watkins would have made it through the whole show and be reunited with his family and loved ones. But he was killed on 29 September 1944, along with Major Broome, Commanding 'B' Company, in Randwijk (near the Neder Rijn) during Operation Market Garden when a stray 88mm shell from a flak gun entered the window of a house they were using as a temporary HQ. Ironically, he was the same age as Albert.

Albert is buried in Brouay CWGC Cemetery, Normandy with two of members of his Regiment buried either side who were also killed that day. Many years ago now I applied to the Medal Office and received his Medals.

Story provided by Andy Round

Veteran's personal medals
1939 - 1945 Star
1939 - 1945 Star
France - Germany Star
France - Germany Star
Defence medal
Defence medal
War Medal
War Medal
Veteran's personal file
Worcestershire Regiment shoulder title
Worcestershire Regiment shoulder title

Motto: Firm

Personal photographs

Click on a picture for enlargement

Veteran's personal death record

  • June 27, 1944
  • CWGC Cemetery, Brouay
  • Normandy

Remember each and every sacrifice, made for your freedom!

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